Had a great FFA Parent Night last evening. Greenhand and Chapter Degrees were awarded and Mekenzie Evans was crowned as this year's Chapter Sweetheart. FFA Officers did a phenomenal job conducting the ceremonies for a packed house.

National FFA Week 2025 is in the books. We concluded the week with Business and Sponsor Appreciation Day and our great officer team delivering goodies to our stakeholders. Big thanks to all members and parents that prepared the treats, they were awesome. Some of our officers are pictured making deliveries below.

Reminder for FFA Business Appreciation Committee members to bring treats to the Ag Ed Building first thing tomorrow.

Congrats to Dallas Hardt for selection as one of the top ten members in the SW District (out of 125 applicants) and earning an interview spot in mid-March for inclusion into the Agri-business Academy. Good Luck Dallas!!

We had a great start to FFA Week with a tremendous looking group attending church at Harvest Assembly followed by an awesome lunch prepared by Steve and Kathy Scott. Today, members showed off some classic iron by driving tractors and trucks to school in addition to serving pancakes to teachers and staff.

National FFA Week continues tomorrow with Tractor/Farm Truck/tractor brand day. In addition, we will be feeding teachers pancakes for Teacher Appreciation. Breakfast committee reports at 7:15am.

FFA Members -ready for National FFA Week take 2? We are planning to attend FFA Church Sunday at Harvest Assembly this Sunday. Be there at 10:20am(official dress). Also, those attending are encouraged to attend lunch at school following, graciously prepared by the Scott's. See you then.

FFA Business Appreciation committee will NOT need to have desserts for tomorrow since school will be closed. We will postpone this event until next Friday (February 28).

FFA Teacher Appreciation Breakfast will be postponed due to school being closed on Tuesday. FFA members scheduled to help with breakfast can sleep in instead.

This message is for FFA members regarding FFA Church Sunday and lunch following. Harvest Assembly has notified me that they have decided to cancel services today due to travel and parking conditions. We are also going to postpone lunch until next Sunday, February 23. Sorry for the short notice. Be safe.

Check out the article in MO FFA Today Digital Magazine which is the official publication of the Missouri FFA Association. The National Champion Milk Quality Team was honored with a feature article in the February Edition. The link for the full article is below. Article is on page 7.

Reminder to FFA members that Popcorn Sale sheets are to be turned in tomorrow (Tuesday). Please bring them with you to school. If there were to be a change to how to submit them, it will be communicated as needed.

📢 Save the Date! 📢
The Honor Banquet will be held on Friday, April 11th, at 6 PM!

Senior Trip Parent/Student Meeting UPDATE: Due to a basketball game on Tuesday 18th, the Senior Trip Parent & Student Meeting will be moved forward one day to Wednesday, February 19th at 5:30pm in the HS library. We will discuss itinerary, hotels, attractions, etc. Please bring questions. See you then!

Reminder to FFA members that tomorrow (Thursday) is group picture day. Remember to bring Necessary jackets and clothing.

FFA Greenhands getting 'motivated' today at the District Greenhand Conference at MSU Darr Ag Center. State FFA Officers brave the weather to conduct the proceedings.

Reminder to Freshman and Sophomore FFA members about the Greenhand Motivational Conference (Wednesday) leaving at 7:30am. If school is in session, we will be attending and if no school, we will not. It is Official Dress and lunch will be provided. In addition, January FFA Meeting (Wed) after school.

Fair Play High School FAFSA Night
January 22nd, 5-7pm
Contact Mrs. Seay for more info

Reminder to FFA Officers that today is the last day to order pictures from the live link provided to you via email.

🚑👩⚕️🔬 Fair Play students explored exciting healthcare careers at OTC’s Medical Programs Open House! From hands-on activities to tours of programs like Surgical Tech, EMT, RN, and more, it was an inspiring day.
We even got to see FPHS alum Meghan Hoxsie, now a Surgical Tech student, helping with the tours! 🖤💛
#FutureHealthcareHeroes #OTCOpenHouse #GoFPHS#rootED#