A driver's education course is being offered this summer to any student who is 15 or who will turn 15 by May 31. The course will consist of classroom instruction AND behind-the-wheel instruction. If you have a soon-to-be driver in your home, this course would be a great way to get them ready for driving--AND quite possibly save money on insurance--many insurance companies offer a discount to students who have taken a driver's education course.
If interested, pick up a registration form outside the high school office.
The ball game that was scheduled for tonight WILL BE HELD TONIGHT @ WALNUT GROVE @ 5:30. There will be one game. THERE WILL BE SENIOR NIGHT ACTIVITIES AFTER THE BALL GAME AT WALNUT GROVE.
The Fair Play High School student council will be sponsoring a blood drive from 11 to 4 on Friday May 10th in the multipurpose gym.
The baseball game for tonight has been cancelled.
Polk County Health Center will be here May 16th from 9am-11am providing vaccinations for 7th and 11th graders. Please return consents or contact Nurse Holly with any questions.
Due to the prediction of incoming severe weather, we WILL NOT have tutoring today.
The ballgame scheduled with Greenfield for today (Friday) has been canceled. Make-up date is TBD.
Baseball game for tonight has been cancelled.
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for April-May, Landon Wright and Andrew Hartshorn!
Students in grades 3-10 will be testing over the next few weeks. Grades 3-8 will be taking the grade level assessments and students in grades 9 and 10 will be taking End of Course Tests.
A detailed schedule of testing can be found on the school’s website and on our Facebook page.
Please be aware of the testing schedule. Most testing starts 1 st hour. Make sure your student is here on time, in attendance for their tests and that they have
adequate rest.
The baseball game for tonight has been cancelled.
Build My Future Construction Showcase
Build My Future Construction Showcase
Build My Future Construction Showcase
Build My Future Construction Showcase
Build My Future Construction Showcase
Build My Future
Congratulations to Lexi Simpson on being elected to the Area X FFA officer team as Vice-President!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to McKenzie Clark for winning the Southwest Electric C.Y.C.L.E trip and for being the alternate for Southwest Electric's Youth Tour trip for Washington D.C.!
Complete FFA District results:
Ag Issues 4th place: state qualifier
Agronomy 10th place: State qualifier
Dairy Foods 2nd place: State qualifier
Marissa Shockley: 1st High Individual
Floriclulture 12th place: State Qualifier
Forestry 4th place: State Qualifier
Maddison Kuhn 9th High Individual
Meats 21st place
Nursery/Landscape 4th place: State Qualifier
Scott Schwartz 4th High Individual
Soils 7th place: State Qualifier
State Contest will be on April 25th and 26th.
Congratulations to all the teams!